Monday, November 28, 2011

Don't Call It A Comeback

In the words of all-time great rapper LL Cool J, "Don't call it a comeback!". Well, maybe the all-time great part wasn't right. And this would probably be a comeback. So just ignore this whole paragraph.

Coming back seems to be all the rage right now, so we figured we'd give it a shot as well. I've lost count how many times Brett Favre has done it. George Foreman proved it can be spectacular, the first time at least. Carson Palmer is giving it a shot and getting some decent results. Michael Jordan, like always, is the standard that all others are measured against.

We aren't here to talk about the past though. Urban Meyer is the latest to decide that hanging it up isn't the way to go. He left Florida due to family and health concerns, can't argue with that logic. He then went to ESPN and was a game analyst which requires travel and hours of preparation during the NCAA football season along with analysis during the off-season. Not quite sure I'm buying what you sold us Urban. Instead I'm going to buy into the conspiracy theory. Florida's cupboard was going bare. He retired following a health scare in 2009 only to return days later. Think that didn't scare away any recruits? Think that opposing coaches didn't mention that on phone calls & visits? I'd have thought twice about going to play for a coach with those kind of things going on. Florida's level of talent was not where it was when he was winning and he got out before the ship started to sink. He comes back to a school that is looking to have sanctions, but the talent level that is currently on the team is anything but mediocre. Look for him to be in the running for a BCS Bowl Game next season, that is if Ohio State is allowed to play in a bowl game...

Moral of this story, consider us the Urban Meyer of blogs. We're back and it's gonna be a great ride. Jump on while there's still room.