Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Being Tebowed To Death

How I went from not minding Tebow, to loving Tebow, to hating Tebow… half a season

First of all I need to place a disclaimer before this article; in hopes the millions of Tebow minions don’t try to murder me. I don’t personally hate Tim Tebow, as everyone says he is a genuine guy, good football player (notice how I didn’t say good quarterback), and is just an all around groovy dude.  I get it.  My problem lies in how he is now perceived by the media, and not by his doing, but simply by over exposure and sensationalist ESPN that claims people can’t get enough so they are just giving people what they want. Well…I’ve had enough, case I point; while researching my “Motorsport Preview” article there were TWO, yes TWO, main articles in the NASCAR section of that involved Tim Tebow. Former NFL coach and NASCAR team owner Joe Gibbs said something along the lines of “I like the kid” which I guess is worthy of a story (key sarcasm now). In addition, Trevor Bayne (last years Daytona 500 winner) had a story on how he liked Tebow being strong in faith, or something along those lines. ENOUGH ALREADY, here is how it all happened.

Stage 1: When the season started and through the course of the first weeks of the season I brushed away any talk of Tim Tebow as a starter.  Not a lover of Kyle Orton, but not a hater either, I still thought he gave the Broncos the best chance to win.  I thought if the season started to go town the toilet that Timmy would get his shot and there would be some hype, he might even do alright, which would be fun to see. However, the thought of him as a starter was still just too far out of the realm of reality for me to take it seriously.  So like most people, I put up with the occasional ESPN articles and blog posts about his chances of starting, always with the same reaction best described as “meh, whatever”.

Stage 2: Tim Tebow, the starting quarterback of the Denver Broncos….. (This is roughly where Twitter exploded), and I genuinely was intrigued by the idea that he could pull it off AND put up relatively good stats. I was so fascinated and caught into the hype I made him a member of my fantasy team when announced the starter….for better or worse as it wasn’t the greatest of fantasy seasons for yours truly. His winning continued, and really at that point you could understand the hype and constant information about him, “Tebowing” took off and there was another thing everyone was talking about. Somehow an action done by many people prior to the existence of Tebow was essentially trademarked, and it still didn’t bother me. The guy is winning, against all odds, hurray for him….and then it began…

"The Thinker" or Tim Tebow circa 1902?
Stage3: Season’s over numbskulls!  After a team and its players are out of the playoffs they should fall out of the limelight, right? I must have missed the headlines about other quarterbacks that lost, possibly overlooked a huge write up on how T.J Yates is “likely number 2 on the depth chart next season.”  "Well, I think Tim's earned the right to be the starting quarterback going into training camp next year," Elway said.  Annnnnnd Twitter re-explodes, along with my head.  Sportscenter has become 85% Tebow oriented regardless of the sport being covered, and I think to myself, “People really can’t be wanting more of this, not in the offseason.” However, based on the coverage I am apparently wrong.

I am not sure how I should feel anymore; you can’t just tune out the constant Tebow Mania if you want to follow sports. I am not sure if I should hope he gets injured (I would never wish harm on anyone, just saying) because we would still get bombarded, possibly more. “TEBOW TAKES 3 STEPS ON SHATTERED LEG, PROBABLE FOR NEXT WEEK’S GAME” Even if he plays poorly I don’t see it going away, I think we are all just going to have to embrace it…or write irate and ranting blog posts about it. Hey…now that doesn’t sound like a half bad idea.

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