Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Clown Show

A New Low For The NHL

This debate could go on forever and this could turn into a lengthy article. But I'll keep it short and sweet and get my main points across. Being the hockey guy on this blog I feel I have to say something about what took place between the Rangers and Devils two nights ago. I am most likely in the minority here when I say that fighting doesn't belong in hockey. If you are and old-schooler you are probably outraged and probably quit reading. This is a new NHL and as fans our mindsets need to evolve along with the game. I'll give you a few reasons why fighting should be taken out of the NHL.

Head Injuries: Over the last few years we've been bombarded by the increase in concussions across all sports. Players today are now bigger and faster than ever, but they're still playing on the same size rinks as players of the past. In hockey we all know the stories of enforcers who have died as a result of brain trauma that can lead to a multitude of other complications. Why would we want to increase the occurrence of concussions over something that barely impacts the game?

Quality of Play: Having “enforcers” on every team lowers the quality of the game. These goons sit on the bench all game and play a maximum of five minutes a game. However, those five minutes are brutal to watch. Almost always they cannot skate, cannot stick handle, and cannot pass. What they are actually doing is stealing a roster spot from a skilled player. I would bet that there is at least one player on each AHL team that deserves the roster spot that these guys take up.

It's Outdated: The NHL of today is so different than the NHL of the 70's and 80's. We no longer have the Broad Street Bullies who roam around the ice looking to scrap with the other team. What we do have is an incredibly high amount of skill. The NHL should be focusing on highlighting the speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination of its players. Fighting had its place when it was done to protect the superstar players. They don't need to be protected anymore. There aren't players running around the ice trying to cheap shot guys like there used to be. The NHL has cracked down on head contact and illegal hits, and it has resulted in a cleaner and better game.

There's nothing wrong with playing a physical style, but there is a big difference between hard hits and staged fights at the opening faceoff. Fighting may have a place in the minor leagues where any gimmick is used to get fans in the arena. But in the NHL, which I admit is a niche sport, fighting should be saved for the rare occasions where a goalie is hit, or a cheap shot does occur. True hockey fans would much rather see a well played clean game every night.

Just another example to prove my point. In my opinion this is the order in best quality of hockey, and the order in which games I would most like to watch:

  • Olympic Hockey

  • College Hockey

  • High-School Hockey

  • NHL Hockey

Note that in the top three there is no fighting allowed. It's skill vs. skill which is the way it should be.


  1. Where does Canadian Juniors fall on that list? haha

  2. Couldn't agree more.

    I'm not sure about completely outlawing fighting, but getting rid of the goons needs to happen. The staged fights are ridiculous and unnecessary in today's game like you stated. The beginning of the NYR/NJ game was pathetic and the coaches should be ashamed of themselves.

    I can understand a skirmish when the adrenaline is pumping or there's a tussle in front of the net, but the staged fights and goons need to go.

  3. And just so its known....I completely disagree. But that's just me.
