Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hello, and welcome to our first installment of theplayer2benamedlater, before we get down to business I would like to give you a quick background of what you can plan on seeing and experiencing in the near future at theplayer2benamedlater.  The goal of us here at theplayer2benamedlater is….well to talk sports, ALL SPORTS (ok maybe not all but most, I will predict cricket coverage may be lacking) and hopefully provide a story or two for you a day in order to inform, educate, and above all else, entertain. We here at theplayer2benamedlater are doing this for fun, as this is our passion, and hopefully you will have fun going along on this experimental ride with us. I can hear you now, there is already so much out there to read and watch, what’s so different about you guys? Well, first of all ease up on us, we are just getting started, why do you have to be so critical? Sit back and enjoy the ride, which will include many of the sports and events that we believe don’t get enough credit  in the U.S. such as a healthy dose of those things you wont see a lot of on the SPORTSCENTER. Don’t take that the wrong way, we love the Sportscenter, but really, east coast bias anyone???
You can expect to see future articles from the likes of Dr. Dangles, our resident hockey expert (No he isn’t a doctor, but the story goes that he did send a guy once. And knowing him, the hit probably wasn’t legal) who will cover everything from NHL to the KHL and all the prospects in between.
In addition, insight from our fantasy sports expert “THE EMPIRE”, is he really an expert? Well I can’t talk trash because he beat me in all five fantasy football leagues this season…..and I think won most of them. That’s all the props he needs from me to be classified as an expert, even though I can hang my preseason call of Arian Foster (who was on all my fantasy teams FYI) over his head a little bit, but it’s all I got before he starts throwing the “where’s your rings” banter back at me and I go down for the count. Oh, and if you can’t figure out what baseball team he supports you have no business reading this blog.
Finally, we obviously will cover much more than what I just mentioned. In addition, a lot of what we discuss here will depend on you the reader.  Sports is great because everyone has their own opinion, what they would and wouldn’t do. So send us topics, stories, things you want to hear about more often, questions, comments, you name it.  

So keep your head up, because you’re about to get hit in the ear hole, with sports, a lotta sports.

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